Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The cult and its members are special.

Brother, do they ever believe they are special:

  • In spite of the fact that the individual cult members are often told that they are very stupid and foolish, the cult members are also told that they were very smart and very lucky, on the whole, to have joined the cult. Frequently, the cult members even regard themselves as The Chosen -- the elite, chosen people who will do something grand.
  • Cult members believe that what they are doing is of higher purpose than anything anyone else is doing. Other people are just living, breathing, working, paying the rent -- but the cult is transforming, building, achieving, doing great things, even saving the world.
  • Evil cult leaders find it easy to manipulate their followers by telling them that they are special, chosen by God, and that what they are doing is of special importance, that they are doing the Will of God as they work for the cult for free. And the cult leader will tell his followers that they are much smarter and more honest and spiritual and moral than the outsiders who won't join the cult. What the cult leader is doing is, of course, manipulating people by appealing to their egotism. The attitude of specialness naturally reinforces the cult doctrine of "you can't ever leave the cult", because if you do, then you won't be special any more, and you won't be doing the Will of God anymore.


Michael Rogge describes the specialness of a cult this way:

Uniqueness of the movement

Movements will usually extol their superiority over others. After all, there should be a strong reason to select that particular group. Some present themselves as being the sole way towards salvation, or being God's chosen people. Others promise a benefit that is reserved solely for members of that sect. To divert attention, some pride themselves in not having a teaching, or for their openness and democratic rules.

In short, new movements will advance a variety of reasons for their uniqueness. Herewith a few:

  • Never before has mankind been offered this discipline / interpretation / insight of our leader.
  • Do not pour new wine in old bottles.

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