Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I find this information extremely accurate.
  • Cult members learn to value other cult members more than outsiders.
  • The cult has its own culture.
  • Sometimes cult members physically separate themselves from society and isolate themselves in their own compound, temple, or commune.
  • Cult members learn to value only the cult's teachings. Outsiders' beliefs and moral standards are considered irrelevant.
  • As the cult develops its own separate idea of reality, it exhibits a loss of common sense.
  • A corollary to cults' claims of having The Only Way is the belief that "the other people" do not have The Way. "They" are all misguided and missing the boat, and "they" won't be going to Heaven, or they won't achieve Enlightenment, or they won't get whatever the declared goal of the cult happens to be. Thus the cult encourages an isolationist "us versus them" mindset, which is the heart of separatism.

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